Alfred van Elk industrial design is an experienced Dutch product design studio that develops clearly designed, user-friendly products with a long lifespan.

Alfred van Elk industrial design
Alfred van Elk industrial design is a product design studio from the Netherlands, founded in 2007: a flexible sole proprietorship, with the possibilities of a design agency. Alfred van Elk is an experienced industrial designer who understands what is needed to develop a good product and takes into account all facets that are essential for the best end result.

“I chose to become an independent designer because I want to focus on designing products and not on managing people. That doesn't mean that I don't want to collaborate with people or that I can't handle large projects. Actually I do. Product development is teamwork, and it is great to work together with people with complementary disciplines to realise an integrally designed product. This collaboration can be done in a team with specialists from my network, or with employees employed by the client. Of course, there are also design projects where I work alone a lot. Actually, everything is possible.

This also applies to the types of projects. I like variety and have experience in designing different types of products: household appliances, furniture, accessories, lighting, machines, mobility products, professional equipment, consumer electronics and packaging. My portfolio contains examples of short-term projects, but also of projects that require more development time to achieve a usable, fully developed product.
That is ultimately what it is all about: designing responsible products that distinguish themselves in the market and are appreciated by the client and the user. Products that work well, are user-friendly, have the least possible impact on the environment, are affordable, are well-designed, last a long time and retain their value for a long time.
Sometimes quite a puzzle to achieve unity, but always a pleasure to do.”